What Are Inclusions In Diamonds?
Inclusions in diamonds affect their clarity. Clarity is an essential factor to consider when looking for the right diamond.
What Are Diamond Inclusions?
Inclusions in diamonds are slight features and imperfections that develop due to the pressure and heat present as these gemstones form.
Depending on the quantity, size, placement, color, or tone of these clarity characteristics/inclusions, they may or may not be seen with a naked eye.
Types Of Inclusions In Diamonds
Here are the various types of inclusions in diamonds:
These inclusions are hair-like lines formed during diamond cutting, and they often extend from the girdle to the stone's surface. A heavily bearded girdle looks like a fuzzy and grey fringe.
Cavity inclusions are large or deep openings on a diamond's surface. They often form as one polishes the diamond, and the process breaches or dislodges the diamond's internal clarity characteristics. The cavities can trap oil and dirt, which soon darken and become more visible. Diamond cutters prefer not to polish off the inclusion due to economics. Removing the inclusion can make the diamond lose weight, reducing the diamond's value.
A chip inclusion is a tiny, shallow opening on the diamond's surface that's often found near the culet, girdle, or facet junctions. Accidental knocks or wear and tear can cause this inclusion.
A cloud inclusion is a cluster of crystals/pinpoints located close to each other. Depending on its nature, it can affect the diamond's appearance.
A crystal inclusion is a mineral crystal enclosed by the diamond. The crystal can be colorless (one diamond embeds another), black (carbon), greenish (peridots), reddish (garnets), etc. Colored crystals are undesirable.
This inclusion is a tiny fracture within a diamond. It can seem transparent and nearly invisible or display a whitish feather-like appearance, depending on one's viewing angle.
Irregular crystal growth causes internal graining inclusions. The graining can appear hazy/milky or look like reflections/creases.
Indented Natural
An indented natural inclusion is an area on the diamond's surface that dips below its surface that the polisher didn't touch. It existed on the rough diamond's surface and is often found at the girdle.
This inclusion is a transparent or white crystal that reaches the polished diamond's surface. These inclusions can resemble raised spots on a faceted surface or several facets.
Needle inclusions are long thin needle-shaped clarity characteristics that are transparent and visible at 10× magnification.
These inclusions are tiny black or white crystals embedded inside a diamond. They resemble a small dot and are visible at 10× magnification.
Twinning Wisps
These inclusions are a series of clouds, pinpoints, or crystals formed as the diamond forms. Unfavorable conditions can stop the diamond's growth during its formation. Twinning wisps can develop when the growth restarts in another direction, sometimes millenniums later.
If you'd like to know if your diamond has inclusions or want to buy a diamond with no inclusions, contact Perry's Diamonds & Estate Jewelry.