Are VVS Diamonds Real?
Ever wondered if VVS diamonds are real? You might be surprised at how many people are confused about this topic. In this article, we'll go over some of the facts about VVS diamonds and what makes them different from other types of diamonds.
What is a VVS diamond?
Yes. VVS diamonds are real. A VVS diamond is one of the most sought-after and rarest diamonds. A VVS diamond has the third highest clarity grade of any type of diamond, which means it's very easy to see through your VVS diamond when held up against the light. The clarity grade ranges from I (very slight defects) all the way up to 11 (perfect).
What is Diamond Clarity?
The number of flaws visible to the naked eye is known as the "clarity grade." Diamonds with higher clarity grades have fewer inclusions and look more brilliant than diamonds with lower grades. Clarity grades range from Fl, which means that all the light has been absorbed into one specific area (like a rock), to VS-XF (meaning no detectable inclusions). The most common clarity grades are FL, IF, and VVS.
The most expensive diamonds have a high clarity grade or the least amount of visible flaws. One of the most valuable diamonds in the world is an FL-rated natural diamond called "The Oppenheimer Blue."
VVS Diamond Clarity Grade
VVS diamonds are the third highest grade of diamond clarity. These diamonds have an extremely low occurrence of inclusions, which is why they're so rare. The occurrence refers to how many particles present within a gemstone are visible through a microscope.
VVS diamonds can be found in all shapes and sizes—including round brilliant cut pieces with fancy faceting—but they are most often found as large clusters or pear-shaped stones.
VVS diamonds offer great value. If you're looking for something to perk up your elegance, this could be just what you need! To learn more, reach out to Perry's Diamond And Estate Jewelers today.